Winter running

Winter Running: Getting Warmed up

By Christina Prevett | January 17, 2020

I know its super cold out but they’re those crazy people that love winter running, and Maura is one of them….. So wanted to give you some pointers to help you get warmed up, especially just because often most people don”t feel like they’re ready to go until about half way through their run. #1: […]

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SI joint

SI Joint Pain: How You Can Test for It

By Christina Prevett | December 17, 2019

SI joint pain is unfortunately pretty common and especially common during pregnancy, but sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference between SI joint pain and back pain. What is SI pain   Most common in the low back and hips which feels aching and dull that can feel very moderate to severe Typically […]

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leaking running

Leaking While Running; how can you build back up to it?

By Christina Prevett | August 20, 2019

Leaking while you’re running or jumping is a pretty common complaint we hear about all the time, but it does have to be that way! Most people think that after they have children this is just what is going to happen from now on. The good thing is it isn’t and we can help you […]

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ankle stiffness

Ankle Stiffness; How to Fix it After a Sprain

By Christina Prevett | August 15, 2019

A pretty common thing we hear after a sprain is ankle stiffness. The feeling of just not being able to move it well. So how do we fix it?  What is a sprain and why does it cause ankle stiffness A sprain is anytime you’ve overstretched a ligament causing damage to it The best way […]

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shin splints

Shin Splints; how you can prevent them while running

By Christina Prevett | August 8, 2019

One injury we commonly see a lot more for physiotherapy in the summer is shin splints, and it’s no wonder we have some beautiful trail in Kingston. Everyone wants to get outside get into shape and the one exercise you don’t need equipment for is running. BUT then you start to get this pain in […]

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hip stability

Hip stability : how to scale for balance issues

By Christina Prevett | July 23, 2019

A lot of injuries can pretty common occur is if you have a lack of hip stability, but what does that actually mean. I’ll use a practical example here think about every time you walk down the stairs if you hips shifts (meaning one side either drops or you shoot it of to one side) […]

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