Physiotherapists are registered healthcare professionals that help to get rid of nagging body aches and pains... getting you back to the things that are important to you. A physiotherapist is able to assess, treat and diagnose most muscle and bone-related issues. Together, you will work to build the appropriate treatment plan based on the results of their assessment.
Some conditions include:
- Tennis elbow
- Carpal Tunnel
- Knee Meniscus issues
- Pelvic Floor Issues
- Pregnancy-related low back pain
- Diastasis recti
- Arthritis
- Heart conditions
- Neurological issues such as Parkinson’s
- Balance issues
- Ankle sprains
And More
Life happens and aches, pains and illnesses can creep up along the way. Sometimes chronic conditions such as arthritis, heart disease, low back pain or multiple sclerosis can be hard to manage. Exercise has been shown to make huge improvements in pain, energy and overall quality of life. Conquer is an exercise program that meets you where you are. It helps you get moving at your pace. Supervised by physiotherapists and knowledgeable kinesiologists, our members can get the results they want … to feel better!
Conquer is an exercise program that meets you where you are. It helps you get moving at your pace. Supervised by physiotherapists and knowledgeable kinesiologists, our members can get the results they want … to feel better!
Conquer does a combination of cardio and strength training. In some circumstances, this exercise program can be covered by physiotherapy benefits!
Learn how we can help you! Contact Us For Your Free Consultation Today!